Building a Feature Repository with SageMaker Feature Store

This notebook demonstrates how to build a central feature repository using Amazon SageMaker Feature Store. Feature Store is used to store, retrieve, and share machine learning features.

August 5, 2022


Amazon SageMaker Feature Store is a fully managed, purpose-built repository to store, share, and manage features for machine learning (ML) models. Features are inputs to ML models used during training and inference. For example, in an application that recommends a music playlist, features could include song ratings, listening duration, and listener demographics. Features are used repeatedly by multiple teams and feature quality is critical to ensure a highly accurate model. Also, when features used to train models offline in batch are made available for real-time inference, it’s hard to keep the two feature stores synchronized. SageMaker Feature Store provides a secured and unified store for feature use across the ML lifecycle.



This notebook is prepared using Amazon SageMaker studio using Python 3 (Data Science) kernel running on ml.t3.medium instance.

!aws --version
aws-cli/1.25.27 Python/3.7.10 Linux/4.14.281-212.502.amzn2.x86_64 botocore/1.27.27

Dataset used for this notebook

We will use a publically available bank marketing dataset. The data is related to direct marketing campaigns of a Portuguese banking institution. The marketing campaigns were based on phone calls. Often, more than one contact with the same client was required to access if the product (bank term deposit) would be (‘yes’) or not (‘no’) subscribed.

Data source

[Moro et al., 2014] S. Moro, P. Cortez and P. Rita. A Data-Driven Approach to Predict the Success of Bank Telemarketing. Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, 62:22-31, June 2014

Data classification goal/target

The classification goal is to predict if the client will subscribe (yes/no) a term deposit (variable y)

Data attributes information

Input variables

attributes from bank client data 1. age (numeric) 2. job : type of job (categorical: ‘admin.’, ‘blue-collar’, ‘entrepreneur’, ‘housemaid’, ‘management’, ‘retired’, ‘self-employed’, ‘services’,‘student’, ‘technician’, ‘unemployed’, ‘unknown’) 3. marital : marital status (categorical: ‘divorced’, ‘married’, ‘single’, ‘unknown’; note: ‘divorced’ means divorced or widowed) 4. education (categorical: ‘basic.4y’, ‘basic.6y’, ‘basic.9y’, ‘’, ‘illiterate’,‘professional.course’, ‘’,‘unknown’) 5. default: has credit in default? (categorical: ‘no’,‘yes’,‘unknown’) 6. housing: has housing loan? (categorical: ‘no’,‘yes’,‘unknown’) 7. loan: has personal loan? (categorical: ‘no’,‘yes’,‘unknown’)

attributes related with the last contact of the current campaign

  1. contact: contact communication type (categorical: ‘cellular’,‘telephone’)
  2. month: last contact month of year (categorical: ‘jan’, ‘feb’, ‘mar’, …, ‘nov’, ‘dec’)
  3. day_of_week: last contact day of the week (categorical: ‘mon’,‘tue’,‘wed’,‘thu’,‘fri’)
  4. duration: last contact duration, in seconds (numeric). Important note: this attribute highly affects the output target (e.g., if duration=0 then y=‘no’). Yet, the duration is not known before a call is performed. Also, after the end of the call y is obviously known. Thus, this input should only be included for benchmark purposes and should be discarded if the intention is to have a realistic predictive model.

other attributes 12. campaign: number of contacts performed during this campaign and for this client (numeric, includes last contact) 13. pdays: number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign (numeric; 999 means client was not previously contacted) 14. previous: number of contacts performed before this campaign and for this client (numeric) 15. poutcome: outcome of the previous marketing campaign (categorical: ‘failure’,‘nonexistent’,‘success’)

social and economic context attributes 16. emp.var.rate: employment variation rate - quarterly indicator (numeric) 17. cons.price.idx: consumer price index - monthly indicator (numeric) 18. cons.conf.idx: consumer confidence index - monthly indicator (numeric) 19. euribor3m: euribor 3 month rate - daily indicator (numeric) 20. nr.employed: number of employees - quarterly indicator (numeric)

Output variable (desired target)

  1. y: has the client subscribed a term deposit? (binary: ‘yes’,‘no’)

Load and explore data

Let’s define a local directory local_path to keep all the files and artifacts related to this post.

# local path will be the root directory for this post
local_path = "./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/"

Let’s make sure that the local directory folder exists.

from pathlib import Path

Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

Now download the data file to the local_path.

!wget '' -P {local_path}
--2022-08-08 06:05:57--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 444572 (434K) [application/x-httpd-php]
Saving to: ‘./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/’ 100%[===================>] 434.15K  1.55MB/s    in 0.3s    

2022-08-08 06:05:58 (1.55 MB/s) - ‘./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/’ saved [444572/444572]

Unzip the downloaded file.

!unzip -o {local_path} -d {local_path}
Archive:  ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/
   creating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/.DS_Store  
   creating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/__MACOSX/
   creating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/__MACOSX/bank-additional/
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/__MACOSX/bank-additional/._.DS_Store  
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/.Rhistory  
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/bank-additional-full.csv  
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/bank-additional-names.txt  
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/bank-additional/bank-additional.csv  
  inflating: ./datasets/2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store/__MACOSX/._bank-additional  

Extracted files contains multiple datasets. We will use bank-additional-full.csv which has all the examples (41188) and 20 inputs, ordered by date.

# define data file path
local_data_file = f"{local_path}bank-additional/bank-additional-full.csv"

Let’s read the dataset and explore it.

import pandas as pd

pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 500)
pd.set_option("display.width", 1000)

df = pd.read_csv(local_data_file, sep=";")

print("df.shape: ", df.shape)
df.shape:  (41188, 21)
age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp.var.rate cons.price.idx cons.conf.idx euribor3m nr.employed y
0 56 housemaid married basic.4y no no no telephone may mon 261 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no
1 57 services married unknown no no telephone may mon 149 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no
2 37 services married no yes no telephone may mon 226 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no
3 40 admin. married basic.6y no no no telephone may mon 151 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no
4 56 services married no no yes telephone may mon 307 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no

Creating a feature group

A feature group in the SageMaker feature store defines the metadata, feature definition, unique identifier for data entries, and other store configurations.

There are two ways to create a feature group in SageMaker. - Using SageMaker Studio IDE - SageMaker Python SDK

Considerations for creating a feature group

  • Supported data types in feature group are: string, integral, and fractional
  • There should be a feature that can uniquely identify each row
  • There should be a feature that defines event time (event_time). This feature is required for versioning and time travel. Excepted data types for this feature are string or fractional.
    • For String type event time has to be ISO-8601 format in UTC time with the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ patterns
    • For Fractional type, the values are expected to be in seconds from Unix epoch time with millisecond precision

Our dataset does not have a feature that can uniquely identify each row. So let’s create one.

# 'FS_id' defines unique id for each row
df['FS_id'] = df.index

Similarly, we also need to create an event time feature. For this, we will use string type with yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ pattern.

from datetime import datetime, timezone, date

def generate_event_timestamp():
    # naive datetime representing local time
    naive_dt =
    # take timezone into account
    aware_dt = naive_dt.astimezone()
    # time in UTC
    utc_dt = aware_dt.astimezone(timezone.utc)
    # transform to ISO-8601 format
    event_time = utc_dt.isoformat(timespec="milliseconds")
    event_time = event_time.replace("+00:00", "Z")
    return event_time
# `FS_event_time` contains event timestamps
df['FS_event_time'] = [generate_event_timestamp() for _ in range(len(df))]

Let’s check our dataset with two new features.

age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp.var.rate cons.price.idx cons.conf.idx euribor3m nr.employed y FS_id FS_event_time
0 56 housemaid married basic.4y no no no telephone may mon 261 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 0 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
1 57 services married unknown no no telephone may mon 149 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 1 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
2 37 services married no yes no telephone may mon 226 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 2 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
3 40 admin. married basic.6y no no no telephone may mon 151 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 3 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
4 56 services married no no yes telephone may mon 307 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 4 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z

Initialize SageMaker session.

import sagemaker

session = sagemaker.Session()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
bucket = session.default_bucket()
region = session.boto_region_name

print("sagemaker.__version__: ", sagemaker.__version__)
print("Session: ", session)
print("Role: ", role)
print("Bucket: ", bucket)
print("Region: ", region)
sagemaker.__version__:  2.99.0
Session:  <sagemaker.session.Session object at 0x7fb40934c890>
Role:  arn:aws:iam::801598032724:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20220804T174502
Bucket:  sagemaker-us-east-1-801598032724
Region:  us-east-1
# You may choose any other prefix for your bucket.
# All the data related to this post will be under this prefix.
bucket_prefix = "2022-08-05-sagemaker-feature-store"

Feature store requires an S3 location for storing the ingested data. Let’s define it as well.

fs_offline_bucket_studio = f"s3://{bucket}/{bucket_prefix}/fs_offline/studio"

Create feature group from SageMaker studio IDE

Let’s see how we can create a feature group using SageMaker Studio IDE. You don’t need to write any code while creating a feature group using Studio IDE. From the left sidebar, use the SageMaker Resources menu to open the Feature Group pane, and click the create feature group option. This will open a new tab in IDE to create a feature group.


On the create feature group tab, define the following settings: - Feature group name : “bank-marketing-studio” - Description (optional) : “The data is related to direct marketing campaigns (phone calls) of a Portuguese banking institution.” - Feature group storage configurations - Enable online store : Check this box. Note that for the online store there is no S3 bucket requirement. - Enable offline store : Check this box too. - Enter S3 location from fs_offline_bucket_studio - IAM Role ARN : Default SageMaker role. - Enable Data Catalog for offline store - Select continue

On the next page, you will be asked to specify feature definitions. There are two ways to define them. - Using Table, and manually fill each feature and its type - Using JSON. We will use this option to define the features and their types.

Remember that the feature group only supports three data types: string, integral, and fractional. So we need to create a mapping between Pandas Dataframe data types and that of a feature store. - “object” -> “String” - “int64” -> “Integral” - “float64” -> “Fractional”

# map DataFrame types to feature group.
def get_mapping(dt):

    feature_store_dtype_mapping = {
        "object": "String",
        "int64": "Integral",
        "float64": "Fractional",

    return feature_store_dtype_mapping[str(dt)]
# DataFrame feature data types
age                 int64
job                object
marital            object
education          object
default            object
housing            object
loan               object
contact            object
month              object
day_of_week        object
duration            int64
campaign            int64
pdays               int64
previous            int64
poutcome           object
emp.var.rate      float64
cons.price.idx    float64
cons.conf.idx     float64
euribor3m         float64
nr.employed       float64
y                  object
FS_id               int64
FS_event_time      object
dtype: object
# prepare list of feature names and correct data types
feature_names = df.columns.tolist()
feature_types = [get_mapping(dt) for dt in df.dtypes]

Feature names allow alphanumeric characters including dashes and underscores. So let’s remove the “.” character from the feature names.

# fix feature names
for indx in range(len(feature_names)):
    feature_names[indx] = feature_names[indx].replace(".", "_")
# corrected feature names

Now we are ready to prepare JSON for feature definitions. JSON created should be of the following format.

        "FeatureName": "age",
        "FeatureType": "Integral"

Let’s prepare it.

df_features = pd.DataFrame({"FeatureName": feature_names, "FeatureType": feature_types})


Copy the JSON from the last cell output and past it in feature definition JSON input. Click continue


On the next page, it will ask for the required features. - record identifier feature name : select FS_ID - event type feature name : select FS_event_time

Click continue and create the feature group.


Create feature group from SageMaker SDK

We have seen how we can create a feature group from SageMaker studio IDE. Let’s also see how to create it using SageMaker SDK.

# define a feature group
from sagemaker.feature_store.feature_group import FeatureGroup

feature_group_name = "bank-marketing-sdk"
feature_group = FeatureGroup(name=feature_group_name, sagemaker_session=session)

I have created a FeatureGroup, now we need to define its schema (FeatureDefinitions). When I check the SageMaker Python SDK Feature Store APIs reference, I could not find any method to provide FeatureDefinitions to a feature group. But feature store documentation examples amazon_sagemaker_featurestore mention that we can use feature_group.load_feature_definitions() method to load the feature definitions from Pandas dataframe. When I checked the sagemaker-python-sdk GitHub page there is an open issue that says “The documentation does not include the load_feature_definitions() method for the FeatureGroup class”, and is still open.

To get more understanding of this method we can check the source code for sagemaker feature group class If we check the signature and documentation for this method it says:

def load_feature_definitions(
        data_frame: DataFrame,
    ) -> Sequence[FeatureDefinition]:
        """Load feature definitions from a Pandas DataFrame.
        Column name is used as feature name. Feature type is inferred from the dtype
        of the column. Dtype int_, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32
        and uint64 are mapped to Integral feature type. Dtype float_, float16, float32
        and float64 are mapped to Fractional feature type. string dtype is mapped to
        String feature type.
        No feature definitions will be loaded if the given data_frame contains
        unsupported dtypes.
            data_frame (DataFrame):
            list of FeatureDefinition

That is * It loads feature definitions from a Pandas DataFrame * DataFrame column names are used as feature names * Feature types are inferred from the dtype of columns * Dtype int_, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64 are mapped to Integral feature type * Dtype float_, float16, float32 and float64 are mapped to Fractional feature type * Dtype string is mapped to String feature type * No feature definitions will be loaded if the given data_frame contains unsupported dtypes

In the last section, we have seen that our dataframe has object data types that are not supported. For backward compatibility reasons, Pandas DataFrame infers columns with strings as object data type. With Pandas 1.0 onwards we can explicitly use string type for such columns.

Let’s see what happens when we use unsupported data types for feature definition.

# load unsupported feature definitions. This will generate an error.
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-f77a8abe3ce7> in <module>
      1 ##
      2 # load unsupported feature definitions. This will generate an error.
----> 3 feature_group.load_feature_definitions(data_frame=df)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sagemaker/feature_store/ in load_feature_definitions(self, data_frame)
    570             else:
    571                 raise ValueError(
--> 572                     f"Failed to infer Feature type based on dtype {data_frame[column].dtype} "
    573                     f"for column {column}."
    574                 )

ValueError: Failed to infer Feature type based on dtype object for column job.

It throws an error, “ValueError: Failed to infer Feature type based on dtype object for column job.”

Okay, let’s convet columns to proper data types.

# list of columns with `object` data type
# covert `object` columns to `string` data type
for col in df.select_dtypes("object").columns.tolist():
    df[col] = df[col].astype("string")

Let’s verify the data types of all columns.

age                 int64
job                string
marital            string
education          string
default            string
housing            string
loan               string
contact            string
month              string
day_of_week        string
duration            int64
campaign            int64
pdays               int64
previous            int64
poutcome           string
emp.var.rate      float64
cons.price.idx    float64
cons.conf.idx     float64
euribor3m         float64
nr.employed       float64
y                  string
FS_id               int64
FS_event_time      string
dtype: object
age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp.var.rate cons.price.idx cons.conf.idx euribor3m nr.employed y FS_id FS_event_time
0 56 housemaid married basic.4y no no no telephone may mon 261 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 0 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
1 57 services married unknown no no telephone may mon 149 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 1 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
2 37 services married no yes no telephone may mon 226 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 2 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
3 40 admin. married basic.6y no no no telephone may mon 151 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 3 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
4 56 services married no no yes telephone may mon 307 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 4 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z

Let’s load the feature definitions again.

[FeatureDefinition(feature_name='age', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='job', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='marital', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='education', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='default', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='housing', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='loan', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='contact', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='month', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='day_of_week', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='duration', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='campaign', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='pdays', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='previous', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='poutcome', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='emp.var.rate', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='cons.price.idx', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='cons.conf.idx', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='euribor3m', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='nr.employed', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='y', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='FS_id', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='FS_event_time', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>)]

We have defined our feature group and its feature definitions, but it has not been created. To create it we need to call create method on the feature group. For this let’s define s3 URI for our feature store offline data storage.

fs_offline_bucket_sdk = f"s3://{bucket}/{bucket_prefix}/fs_offline/sdk"
# Now create feature group
record_identifier_name = "FS_id"
event_time_feature_name = "FS_event_time"
description = "The data is related with direct marketing campaigns (phone calls) of a Portuguese banking institution"

ClientError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-5459ca8fa447> in <module>
     11     s3_uri=fs_offline_bucket_sdk,
     12     role_arn=role,
---> 13     description=description,
     14 )

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sagemaker/feature_store/ in create(self, s3_uri, record_identifier_name, event_time_feature_name, role_arn, online_store_kms_key_id, enable_online_store, offline_store_kms_key_id, disable_glue_table_creation, data_catalog_config, description, tags)
    519             )
--> 521         return self.sagemaker_session.create_feature_group(**create_feature_store_args)
    523     def delete(self):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sagemaker/ in create_feature_group(self, feature_group_name, record_identifier_name, event_time_feature_name, feature_definitions, role_arn, online_store_config, offline_store_config, description, tags)
   4076             Tags=tags,
   4077         )
-> 4078         return self.sagemaker_client.create_feature_group(**kwargs)
   4080     def describe_feature_group(

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/botocore/ in _api_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
    506                 )
    507             # The "self" in this scope is referring to the BaseClient.
--> 508             return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
    510         _api_call.__name__ = str(py_operation_name)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/botocore/ in _make_api_call(self, operation_name, api_params)
    913             error_code = parsed_response.get("Error", {}).get("Code")
    914             error_class = self.exceptions.from_code(error_code)
--> 915             raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
    916         else:
    917             return parsed_response

ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateFeatureGroup operation: 4 validation errors detected: Value 'emp.var.rate' at 'featureDefinitions.16.member.featureName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]([-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,63}; Value 'cons.price.idx' at 'featureDefinitions.17.member.featureName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]([-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,63}; Value 'cons.conf.idx' at 'featureDefinitions.18.member.featureName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]([-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,63}; Value 'nr.employed' at 'featureDefinitions.20.member.featureName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]([-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,63}

We got an error as we have not fixed feature names. Error is saying that the feature name should satisfy the regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]([-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]){0,63}. Let’s fix our column names.

col_names = df.columns.tolist()
for idx in range(len(col_names)):
    col_names[idx] = col_names[idx].replace(".", "_")

df.columns = col_names
age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp_var_rate cons_price_idx cons_conf_idx euribor3m nr_employed y FS_id FS_event_time
0 56 housemaid married basic.4y no no no telephone may mon 261 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 0 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
1 57 services married unknown no no telephone may mon 149 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 1 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
2 37 services married no yes no telephone may mon 226 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 2 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
3 40 admin. married basic.6y no no no telephone may mon 151 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 3 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z
4 56 services married no no yes telephone may mon 307 1 999 0 nonexistent 1.1 93.994 -36.4 4.857 5191.0 no 4 2022-08-08T06:06:07.524Z

After updating feature names, load the feature group definitions again.

[FeatureDefinition(feature_name='age', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='job', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='marital', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='education', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='default', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='housing', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='loan', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='contact', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='month', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='day_of_week', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='duration', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='campaign', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='pdays', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='previous', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='poutcome', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='emp_var_rate', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='cons_price_idx', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='cons_conf_idx', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='euribor3m', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='nr_employed', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.FRACTIONAL: 'Fractional'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='y', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='FS_id', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.INTEGRAL: 'Integral'>),
 FeatureDefinition(feature_name='FS_event_time', feature_type=<FeatureTypeEnum.STRING: 'String'>)]

Now create the feature group.

# create feature group
{'FeatureGroupArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:801598032724:feature-group/bank-marketing-sdk',
 'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '5c2afeb1-fa03-442b-a3ee-80b1b0ae1069',
  'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
  'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amzn-requestid': '5c2afeb1-fa03-442b-a3ee-80b1b0ae1069',
   'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
   'content-length': '95',
   'date': 'Mon, 08 Aug 2022 06:06:32 GMT'},
  'RetryAttempts': 0}}

Feature group creation is an async method, and you need to wait for its creation before ingesting any data into it. For this you can use feature_group.describe method to get feature store creation status.


We can create a wrapper function around this method to wait till the feature group is ready.

import time

def wait_for_feature_group_creation_complete(feature_group):
    status = feature_group.describe().get("FeatureGroupStatus")
    print(f"Initial status: {status}")
    while status == "Creating":
        print(f"Waiting for feature group: {} to be created ...")
        status = feature_group.describe().get("FeatureGroupStatus")

    print(f"FeatureGroup {} was successfully created.")

Initial status: Creating
Waiting for feature group: bank-marketing-sdk to be created ...
Waiting for feature group: bank-marketing-sdk to be created ...
Waiting for feature group: bank-marketing-sdk to be created ...
Waiting for feature group: bank-marketing-sdk to be created ...
FeatureGroup bank-marketing-sdk was successfully created.

Ingest data to feature group

Let’s ingest our data frame into this feature group.

feature_group.ingest(data_frame=df, max_workers=5, max_processes = 1, wait=True)
IngestionManagerPandas(feature_group_name='bank-marketing-sdk', sagemaker_fs_runtime_client_config=<botocore.config.Config object at 0x7fb406ab9450>, max_workers=5, max_processes=1, profile_name=None, _async_result=<multiprocess.pool.MapResult object at 0x7fb405669810>, _processing_pool=<pool ProcessPool(ncpus=1)>, _failed_indices=[])

We can control the ingestion run time with max_processes and max_workers arguments. * max_processes defines the number of processes that will be created to ingest different partitions of the DataFrame in parallel * max_workers defines the number threads for each processor

For large datasets, instead of using ingestion API we can place the data directly on feature group S3 bucket offline storage location. For a detailed discussion on this topic follow the post from Heiko Hotz: ingesting-historical-feature-data-into-sagemaker-feature-store

Accessing features from feature store

Now that we have our data available in the feature repository, we can access it from online and offline feature stores.

Accessing online feature store from SDK

Boto3 SDK sagemaker-featurestore-runtime allows us to interact with the online feature store. These are the available methods:

  • batch_get_record()
  • can_paginate()
  • close()
  • delete_record()
  • get_paginator()
  • get_record()
  • get_waiter()
  • put_record()

To read more about them use Boto3 SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime documentation.

featurestore_runtime_client = session.boto_session.client(
    "sagemaker-featurestore-runtime", region_name=region
# select any random id to query online store
sample_feature_id = str(df.sample().index.values[0])

Now query the online store.


8.37 ms ± 238 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
feature_record = featurestore_runtime_client.get_record(
    FeatureGroupName=feature_group_name, RecordIdentifierValueAsString=sample_feature_id

{'ResponseMetadata': {'RequestId': '946376b7-7745-4b25-9885-e93ba7a284a5',
  'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
  'HTTPHeaders': {'x-amzn-requestid': '946376b7-7745-4b25-9885-e93ba7a284a5',
   'content-type': 'application/json',
   'content-length': '1189',
   'date': 'Mon, 08 Aug 2022 06:08:49 GMT'},
  'RetryAttempts': 0},
 'Record': [{'FeatureName': 'age', 'ValueAsString': '39'},
  {'FeatureName': 'job', 'ValueAsString': 'blue-collar'},
  {'FeatureName': 'marital', 'ValueAsString': 'married'},
  {'FeatureName': 'education', 'ValueAsString': 'basic.9y'},
  {'FeatureName': 'default', 'ValueAsString': 'no'},
  {'FeatureName': 'housing', 'ValueAsString': 'no'},
  {'FeatureName': 'loan', 'ValueAsString': 'no'},
  {'FeatureName': 'contact', 'ValueAsString': 'cellular'},
  {'FeatureName': 'month', 'ValueAsString': 'aug'},
  {'FeatureName': 'day_of_week', 'ValueAsString': 'wed'},
  {'FeatureName': 'duration', 'ValueAsString': '394'},
  {'FeatureName': 'campaign', 'ValueAsString': '1'},
  {'FeatureName': 'pdays', 'ValueAsString': '999'},
  {'FeatureName': 'previous', 'ValueAsString': '0'},
  {'FeatureName': 'poutcome', 'ValueAsString': 'nonexistent'},
  {'FeatureName': 'emp_var_rate', 'ValueAsString': '-2.9'},
  {'FeatureName': 'cons_price_idx', 'ValueAsString': '92.201'},
  {'FeatureName': 'cons_conf_idx', 'ValueAsString': '-31.4'},
  {'FeatureName': 'euribor3m', 'ValueAsString': '0.884'},
  {'FeatureName': 'nr_employed', 'ValueAsString': '5076.2'},
  {'FeatureName': 'y', 'ValueAsString': 'yes'},
  {'FeatureName': 'FS_id', 'ValueAsString': '37156'},
  {'FeatureName': 'FS_event_time',
   'ValueAsString': '2022-08-08T06:06:07.834Z'}]}

Accessing offline feature store from SDK

Let’s query the offline store to get the same data. For offline feature storage, SageMaker stages the data in S3 bucket and creates AWS Data Catalog on it. This catalog is registered in AWS Athena and we can use Athena APIs to query offline store.

query = feature_group.athena_query()
AthenaQuery(catalog='AwsDataCatalog', database='sagemaker_featurestore', table_name='bank-marketing-sdk-1659938792', sagemaker_session=<sagemaker.session.Session object at 0x7fb40934c890>, _current_query_execution_id=None, _result_bucket=None, _result_file_prefix=None)
table_name = query.table_name
query_string = f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}" WHERE FS_id = {sample_feature_id}'
'SELECT * FROM "bank-marketing-sdk-1659938792" WHERE FS_id = 37156'
5.21 s ± 29.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Notice that the offline store has taken a much longer time to return the results compared to the online store.

dataset = query.as_dataframe()
age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp_var_rate cons_price_idx cons_conf_idx euribor3m nr_employed y fs_id fs_event_time write_time api_invocation_time is_deleted

Data in an online store becomes available immediately but it can take a few minutes to become available in an offline store. That is why we have not received any data in the last cell. Let’s run the same query again after a few minutes.

# run query again,output_location=f's3://{bucket}/{bucket_prefix}/query_results/')

# get query response
dataset = query.as_dataframe()
age job marital education default housing loan contact month day_of_week duration campaign pdays previous poutcome emp_var_rate cons_price_idx cons_conf_idx euribor3m nr_employed y fs_id fs_event_time write_time api_invocation_time is_deleted
0 39 blue-collar married basic.9y no no no cellular aug wed 394 1 999 0 nonexistent -2.9 92.201 -31.4 0.884 5076.2 yes 37156 2022-08-08T06:06:07.834Z 2022-08-08 06:13:03.665 2022-08-08 06:07:43.000 False

Accessing offline store from Athena

This time lets query the offline feature store directly from AWS Athena service.


Clean up

Run the last cell to delete the feature store if no longer needed.
